Overcoming Your Fear of Sailing After it All Goes Wrong

With so many variables and unknowns while at sea, it’s normal to deal with anxiety. Whether fear around sailing is caused by a past traumatic event, a present situation, or just worrying about the future, there are tactics we can employ that train our brain to build resilience and coping strategies. Cruiser Cidnie Carroll talks with therapist and sailor, Melissa White, and three women sailors about the strategies they use to stay calm and focused on the water.

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What does respect mean to you? With more women on the water each year, more of us than ever before face discrimination, but not everyone shares the same experience. Cidnie Carroll discusses the changing face of sailing and individual stories of women’s experiences with discrimination in the sailing community, giving us all a better understanding of the challenges we individually face.

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Sailing Book Reviews - April 2021

I don’t know about you, but last spring was a fog, which makes this spring all the sweeter. And now that spring has sprung, it’s time to move from dreaming about sailing to actually doing it. Can I get a woohoo!? Whether you’re a liveaboard appreciating longer hours of daylight, a racer strategizing for the race season, a world cruiser prepping for the big leap, or a local boater gearing up for weekends (or weeks!) on the water, these books will help you release the spring-line and leap. This list was curated by Janna Cawrse Esarey.

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